"New Year, Still You" - A balanced, science-based approach to eating healthy in 2021
We connected with Joline Beauregard, Registered Dietitian, to chat about having a balanced, science-based approach to healthy-eating in 2021. If you've been thinking that you need to start a new diet this year, or if you've been seeing the messaging out there about "burning off the holiday calories", or you're just looking to start feeling better but you're not sure where to start or who to listen to, this is for you! Enjoy!
Nadea: I’m going to give you a quick rundown about who Joline is... Joline is a registered dietician. She has her bachelor’s degree from Ryerson University. She has worked with a fabulous variety of humans, helping them to feel their best and reach their potential, no matter what their background or situation is. She loves helping folks to find the joy in cooking, eating, and building foundations of health from the inside out — I love that.
I loved this line from her online bio: When Joline isn’t helping the community with their nutrition goals, you’ll find her hiking and camping in our beautiful Yukon wilderness, reading historical fiction, journalling, listening to business and health podcasts, and working on her passion-project tiny house.
I think all of that is still up to date. I mean, corona has kind of thrown everything off, but as far as I know, Joline is still kicking butt and helping people. We’ll see if I did a good job of summing her up. Did I miss anything?
Joline: I don’t think so! That was pretty good.
Nadea: I’m willing to be a professional cheerleader any day now. I’ll just follow you around and let people know how awesome you are.
Joline: I mean, same, girl. I’m your biggest fan. I send people to you all the time too.
Nadea: Thank you! So let’s talk! First of all, this time of year is an interesting one. I believe you celebrate the Christmas holidays and I know that you’ve taken some very well-deserved time off recently — I think you’re back now?
Joline: Yeah.
Nadea: But even for people who don’t celebrate the holidays, there are a lot of very delicious things that are available this time of year and there is a lot more downtime. People are taking lots of breaks and things like that and — hopefully — relaxing. So I wanted to get your opinion. Can we talk a little bit about the pressure people feel during holidays and how a person can return to routine afterward all of that? What do you think?
Joline: Yeah, absolutely. I mean, whether you’re somebody who celebrates Christmas, like you said, or not, or if you’re just somebody who just gets caught up in the craziness that is December and school breaks and — at least during most years — visiting lots of family and those sorts of things, it is a lot!
We’re told all the time from media and diet culture and all of these things how we should restrict, or, at the very least, be “in control”. When we know that there’s going to be all this food, treats, people, and craziness going on, it makes sense that we go, “Oh my god, I’m overwhelmed. No. What do I do? I’m just not going to.” That leads to a lot of restrictions.
Especially now with social media, influencers, actors, and famous people are so easily given a voice, and they’re constantly telling us how they’re restricting or what their tips and tricks are. We hear it so much more than ever before. I think one of the biggest things to think about is how it doesn’t matter what you eat during the two weeks of a 52-week year.
Nadea: What?! [laughs wryly]
Joline: Right? If 80 percent of the time, you’re eating the way that works for your body and what works for your routine, the other 20 percent that is the two weeks at Christmas or your birthday — or whatever it is — where you feel like you should feel “out of control”, you don’t need to.
I realize that is easier said than done because these are things that we’re socialized into and that are so ingrained in us. But the biggest thing — especially now that we’re a couple weeks past that and trying to find our balance again — is to listen to your body.
If you’ve been eating a lot sugar or a lot of whatever, although there’s not a lot of evidence to support that your body craves the individual nutrients that it needs, it does crave the things that make you feel good. So right now, if you’ve been not eating as nutrient-dense or if you’ve been eating more fast foods or eating more sweets — or however it is that your routine has changed — your body is going to start to say, “Okay, water might be good” or “I’d really actually like a salad. Could you please put down the cookie?” Your body — if you listen to it — is going to tell you those things. It’s listening to it that is the hard part for a lot of us as adults.
"Your body — if you listen to it — is going to tell you (what it needs). It’s listening to it that is the hard part."
Nadea: That tracks. That makes a lot of sense. I think you’re right. Every now and then, my body will be like, “Maybe instead of a cookie, you could eat a salad. We could go for one nutrient. That would be good.” You’re totally right.
Joline: I mean, have both, right? Have your cookie and have your salad too.
Nadea: Yes. Put the cookie on the salad. [laughs] I don’t think that would be that delicious.
Joline: I mean… [laughs] I like flavour combination, Nadea, but that’s a little weird for me. I won’t yuck your yum, but, like…
Nadea: Yeah. I don’t know. I’ll try it and I’ll let you know if it’s any good.
The next question that I had is kind of what you were talking about. So personally, as a Pilates teacher and a fitness coach, I’m seeing a lot of content out there right now about “burning off your holiday calories” — like, “Hey, we’re about to get back on track, guys! We’ve gotta burn off those holiday calories!” and the “new year, new you” concept, right?
I am seeing a lot from other people, including some clients, who are like, “I’ve cheated on being good and eating good food. I’ve been cheating. I’ve gone off track” — because they’ve been partaking in these seasonal tasty treats. Like, “Oh, no, I’ve really eaten too many gingerbread houses,” or whatever.
So as a dietician, what is your take on this whole “burn off the holiday calories” and “earn your turkey dinner” concept?
Joline: So last week, I watched the replay of the interview of the health coach who you interviewed. You guys had talked a lot about language and the importance of language. I think the same thing when I hear “cheated” or “I was bad” or “I failed” — and I hear these from my clients all the time. My first reaction is — well, two things. The first one is, you do not need to earn your food.
Nadea: What?! [feigns shock]
Joline: You do not need to earn your food! So you don’t need to go to the gym to burn off your calories. You do not need to earn your food. Some people need to hear that from a dietician, so now you have: YOU DO NOT NEED TO EARN YOUR FOOD.
The second one is that our food choices do not equal our morality.
Two things: (1) You do not need to earn your food and (2) Our food choices do not equal our morality.
Nadea: WHAT?! [feigns even more shock]
Joline: We do that! We have “good” foods and “bad” foods. We’ve put these binaries into what we eat, and that doesn’t fit into our cultures and our lifestyles and all the other reasons that we choose the foods that we choose.
So those are the first things that I think are just right of the hop with the language and stuff like that. Also, I saw your post last week about how over 90 percent of diets fail and about how that’s the fault of the diet and not the fault of the person. I just loved that.
Nadea: Oh, good!
Joline: Because we actually know that the number one side effect of intentionally trying to lose weight is actually weight gain. That is just too convenient for the multimillion dollar diet industry that relies on us feeling uncomfortable with our food choices and our bodies. If they can convince us to intentionally lose weight and that is going to make us gain more weight, what are we going to keep doing?
"The number one side effect of intentionally trying to lose weight is actually weight gain. That is just too convenient for the multimillion diet industry that relies on us feeling uncomfortable with our food choices and our bodies."
Nadea: It’s terrible!
Joline: And that’s just something that we’ve been convinced of, and it’s so, so, so sad.
Another dietician I actually went to school with and follow on Instagram — she’s amazing. Her name is Michelle Jaelin, and her Instagram handle is @nutritionartist. She actually posted today a Chinese proverb that said “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, but the second best time is now.”
So while I don’t believe in making “New Year’s resolutions”, I thought that this was really timely because I do believe that change is hard and we need to take whatever motivation or opportunity that we have. So if the New Year is your time that you have the motivation, the willpower, and the mindset to do a little bit of a reset, use that and run with that — absolutely. But I think the trick is setting goals that keep you motivated and don’t make you feel like you’re failing.
So on the more specific diet-side of things — and I should say that any diet or eating routine or lifestyle that encourages you not to eat certain foods or not to eat foods within a certain timeframe is not a plan that truly has your long-term health in mind, and those are not necessarily good nutrition goals. And, as a side note, most of these food-related routines are diets in disguise. So when we’re thinking about making healthy food-related goals, you want to try to think about things that don’t put your morals into your decisions — because that’s not the case — and that are long term. So use that motivation right now, but don’t use it as a New Year’s resolution that is going to be detrimental to you.
"Any diet or eating routine or lifestyle that encourages you not to eat certain foods or not to eat foods within a certain timeframe is not a plan that truly has your long-term health in mind."
Nadea: That makes sense to me. I remember seeing a quotation one time — somebody pointed out that food doesn’t have moral value. When you’re like, “Oh, I’m so bad. I ate a donut.” “Well, actually, Susan, you didn’t burn down an orphanage; you ate a donut. It’s okay. You’re not a bad person. Let’s re-evaluate that here.” So if you eating a snack makes you feel like a garbage person, maybe there might be something to think about there. I think you’re entirely right. That’s fabulous. I think everything you’re saying here is so good.
I think you’ve already kind of touched on this but you may have some added tips. We have had a heck of a year. Last year was insane. I think it makes sense that people want to feel good. It makes sense that people want to have a fresh start, like you were saying. Maybe you have that little bit of an impetus of “Hey, I have a new year!” Food obviously has a huge impact on how we feel. If people want to feel good, maybe they want to make some changes. So do you maybe have one or two tips on how someone could approach that from a more balanced perspective?
Joline: So I guess this kind of builds on my last answer a little bit. I guess the biggest thing is that I think it’s much more helpful and healthy to think about how you can add to yourself and your life with food rather than thinking about it as restriction.
"It’s much more helpful and healthy to think about how you can add to yourself and your life with food rather than thinking about it as restriction."
We often think of our goals or the changes that we want to make about our food routine as “I want to eat less of XYZ”. But thinking about it as you might want to eat more fruits and vegetables or more whole grains, thinking about choosing water first or drinking more water, eating breakfast more often — like, how can you add to your food and your relationship with food and with food culture instead of those restrictions? Another one might be eating with my family more often.
Those types of things help us to build a positive relationship with food, and then when we need to make more serious changes because of our health or whatever, having that positive foundation helps make it more attainable when you do have to make more restrictive changes because of a health concern.
Nadea: That makes sense. I really like that. That seems like a way fresher, happier, more positive mentality than feeling like “I can’t eat this” or saying “Oh, I shouldn’t…” That’s really nice. I like that. You’re brilliant.
I think this next question ties in with what you’re saying as well — it’s almost like there’s a theme. The question I have next is: Do you think it’s helpful or reasonable — or even possible — to completely change your eating habits and become a “new you”? And, to add onto that, is it even necessary for you to say “I need to be a new me”?
Joline: You know what? I think I do — for part of your question, I do. I’ve seen people, for example, who have been diagnosed with celiac disease and have to change their whole life. Their whole kitchen is becoming gluten free. They’re getting a new toaster, new cutting boards — their entire kitchen is professional deep cleaned in some situations, depending on how severe these types of things are. This is a commitment and it is a challenge, but unfortunately, for some people, it’s just necessary for your health and for all of those things.
However, for the average healthy individual who wants to be making positive changes related to nutrition, something like that is just not necessary. I think that’s the biggest thing from influencers, diet culture, and all these things — that your changes have to be big or they don’t count, that they have to be black and white, and that if you’re not doing it 100% all the time, then you have failed and all of these other negative things that we’ve been talking about.
What I do find that most people struggle with — and what I work on with people with wild success — is building a more positive relationship with food and breaking down those diet culture beliefs. This creates more positive experiences with eating, less experiences of guilt, elevated food freedom, increased body satisfaction, and so many other things. Since our mental health and how we think about things is so closely tied to our physiological health, it can actually decrease physiological symptoms. So if people have a better relationship with food, some of their GI upset, bloating, nausea — stuff like that — can actually go away.
So rather than changing your habits and your routines, building positive behaviours and changing your relationship with food can actually be much more effective than just “cutting out carbs” or cutting out whatever you have felt you should be cutting out.
Nadea: I love that, because a few years back, I was given a sort of blanket diagnosis of “IBS” and it’s kind of interesting, because I’ve seen even in my own experience that a person’s stress levels and how you feel about food can make a huge difference with regard to how your tummy is feeling — which seems crazy but it’s totally a thing. So it’s way better if you’re not having intense anxiety about stuff.
I was also thinking about what you were saying about the whole “black and white” thing, because as a fitness trainer, we see that all the time too — where people are like, “Oh, I can’t start taking care of my body and being fit unless I do it every single day, first thing in the morning. We’re just going to go from zero to 500%!” And then when it doesn’t work out — and inevitably, this isn’t going to work out, right? — then they’re like, “Aw man, I failed. Everything stinks!” People will do that with food too — so I think you’re right!
Joline: I think you and I have talked about this — we need to set goals that are more intentions rather than “I have to do THIS thing THIS many times to be successful.” So instead of saying, “I’m going to start from nothing and now I’m going to the gym three times a week, and then once I haven’t done it the second week, now I’m failing and I’m probably going to quit because I feel like I’m already unsuccessful”, try saying, “I’m not going to the gym today” or “I’m not going to do this crazy workout that I said I was going to do because I don’t have it in me, but I’m still going to go for a 10-minute walk.” Do those little things — setting those intentions.
The same can be said for nutrition. I was talking to a friend about this yesterday — I didn’t make a New Year’s resolution. But my intention for this year is to set my future self up for success, and that can be something different every day.
So I was talking about how I really have chosen that because I feel it’s something that I can’t fail at, because that could mean that today, I make a lunch for tomorrow, and that’s setting myself up for the future. Or I do five dishes so that I have five dishes less to do for tomorrow. Or I pack my gym bag tonight so that it’s ready for tomorrow. Whatever it is, you’re setting yourself up for success. You can do the same thing with food — choosing those goals that are more “intentions”, and asking “What is the action today that is going to go in line with that intention?”
Nadea: I think that sounds lovely and now I want to do that too. Not only doing the dishes, but possibly making myself an actually wholesome snack for the next day. I like it. It’s like a little present to yourself. Future me is like, “Aw, thanks!” I love that.
Joline: I think that also is a really wide-umbrella way of looking at it, because what I need to do for my nutritional health is different from what you need to do for your nutritional health, and how you eat is different from how I eat. So for me, it might be — well, for somebody, because this is not me — it might be making sure that I’ve packed a really well-balanced meal for lunch for tomorrow. For me, it’s making sure I’ve packed 10 different healthy snacks because I’m a grazer. Like, me packing a big, well-balanced lunch is going to do nothing for me. So finding what works for you is really important, too.
"What I need to do for my nutritional health is different from what you need to do for your nutritional health, and how you eat is different from how I eat."
Nadea: I think that makes a lot of sense. And it sounds really balanced. Already, this mentality sounds so much nicer than the whole “I have to punish myself and burn off my turkey dinner” attitude, and I just love it. The energy is so much better.
I have another question for you, and this is one of my favourites because I’m a little spicy about this subject.
I am seeing a ton of fitness trainers — whether or not it’s a personal trainer in a gym or even sometimes Pilates teachers — giving out nutrition advice to people, whether it’s in person or on Instagram or their little Facebook programs, where it’s like, “Text me and I will send you a program!”
I am a Pilates teacher; I’m not a dietician. I’m big on people staying in their lane. So you, as a fully accredited dietician — who didn’t just do an online course as a personal training course over a weekend — how do you, Joline, recommend that people in general discern who to trust when it comes to dietary advice?
Joline: Yeah, absolutely — this is hard. I think one reason why it’s hard is because — just like our taxes and all these other good life skills — we never learned how to advocate for our health in school or in life. That, I feel, is the bottom line of it.
"We never learned how to advocate for our health in school or in life."
So for people who don’t know — because a lot of people don’t really know what I do or how I became a dietician — it’s a little bit different, depending on the program that you do — but I had to go to school for four years — which is a bachelor of science — and then I had to do a full year of internship — basically, it’s a practicum — so following around dieticians, doing shadowing, doing on-the-job evaluations and critiques and learning all the hands-on skills. So similar to what a nursing student would do while they’re in school — we do that as a year after school.
Then we register with our college the same way that a doctor or a nurse does. That college makes sure that I’m doing continuing education. It makes sure that if I do something wrong or if one of my clients is concerned about whatever, they can go to my college and ask questions, or if something really weird were to happen with a dietician, you can report the dietician. So there is somebody holding me accountable for what I’m telling you, basically. Everything that I tell somebody has to be based on evidence. I can’t just, like, give you my opinion and peddle it to you.
So all of those sorts of safeguards are in place to make sure that my clients are getting accurate information. However, in Canada — so one thing is personal trainers and stuff like that for sure, but the other thing is that nutritionists are not regulated for nutrition advice. So they don’t have to be registered. For “registered dietician” — nobody can use that name or that title unless they’re registered with a body. If you are (using it), our regulatory bodies are going to come to and say, “You can’t do that” or they will ask “What is your education?” — and all of those safety checks that I was talking about.
"As a client, the biggest thing that you want to be doing is asking anybody who is giving you nutrition advice where they’re getting this information from or how they’re qualified to do that."
So a nutritionist might have lots of education, but there is nobody checking for you. So as a client, the biggest thing that you want to be doing is asking anybody who is giving you nutrition advice where they’re getting this information from or how they’re qualified to do that — so what courses they’ve taken, where they took them, when they took them, how long ago it was that they learned this stuff — because science and nutrition change constantly — how long the course was — like you said, was it a weekend online course or did you go to school for four years? Because I know people who did my same degree, who know lots of things about nutrition, but they didn’t become dieticians. They would probably give you good advice but they went into a different science or they went onto become a doctor or whatever.
So even with doctors and stuff like that too, if they’re giving you nutrition advice, I would be asking them, “What continuing education have you done in nutrition?”
It’s your health. You have the right to ask those questions. It’s responsible to ask those questions. You would do it about medications and all of those other things. So it totally makes sense to be asking how people know what they know.
"It’s your health. You have the right to ask those questions. It’s responsible to ask those questions... it totally makes sense to be asking how people know what they know."
Nadea: We have a question here that I think ties in really well — it says, “I don’t actually know the difference between a nutritionist and a dietician.” So what would you say the difference is?
Joline: I would say, really quickly: A dietician is registered and regulated and they rely on evidence-based nutrition advice. Basically, I take the science and I translate to make it make sense to the average person. A nutritionist is unregulated and unregistered. They might be registered with the organization that they took their course through, but they’re not regulated at a medical, national level the same way that a dietician is.
Nadea: We see that all the time, even with Pilates. You’ll have somebody who took a weekend online course and they’ll say that they’re a Pilates teacher, or you could be learning Pilates from somebody who has done several years of apprenticeship and has all kinds of certification — but unless a person knows to ask, you’re not going to necessarily know the difference.
So I think you’re right: People need to be just a little bit more upfront about saying, “Hey, could you please tell me what your qualifications are before I just go ahead and let you tell me what to do?”
Joline: Yeah, and it’s not to say that a nutritionist doesn’t know what they’re talking about. It’s just to be more careful.
It’s the same thing as the difference between a physiotherapist and a personal trainer. A personal trainer may have taken courses. They may even have a degree in kinesiology or something like that and they never went on to become a physiotherapist. But there’s nobody else checking, right? So it’s that level of care that you’re getting and making sure that, because nobody else is checking, you’re checking.
Nadea: I love that. That makes a lot of sense to me. I’ve heard some pretty sketchy advice, personally, as a client of a personal trainer or just being out on the internet. I think that it makes such a difference when you’re actually talking to somebody who holds themselves to a really high standard. So I love that a person like you exists and that you’re available for people to talk to. I think that’s wonderful. I think you’re great. So thank you for existing and thank you for giving us science-based advice. I think that’s fabulous.
Now, before we wrap up, we did have a couple of questions sent to the inbox. I’m not going to put you on the spot to answer people’s personal health questions, but I did send them your way. Do you have anything to say to the people about those things before we move on?
Joline: Yeah, so for some of them, I would recommend maybe reaching out. I can pass on my contact info at the very end so that you guys have it. But there was one about skin and acne. That’s one that I hear a lot — hair strength, nails, and skin and all of these things. They are absolutely connected to your nutrition, because what comes out of your body is based on what’s put into your body.
But with acne specifically — which is what the question was about — there are not enough long-term studies to say conclusively that if you take these amounts of these nutrients, it will reduce your acne. The other thing about the studies that do exist is that a lot of them are based on adolescents. So if you’re an adult who is asking these questions, there isn’t conclusive evidence.
So we’re taking it with a grain of salt and we’re being a bit deductive with this stuff, but the key sort of nutrients to think about would be vitamins E and A, and zinc. Again, there are certain recommendations for the amount of nutrients. The biggest thing that I would say is to try to get a variety of fruits and vegetables specifically will make sure that you’re getting enough of those nutrients.
The other big thing with our skin — because we don’t sort of think of it that way, but our skin is an organ, and the cells that are part of our skin produce waste the same way that the rest of our body does — is that our bodies need water to get rid of that waste, and most of us do not drink enough water. So one of the number one things that we can do for our skin, hair, nails, acne, hormones, and all of those sorts of things is to drink enough water throughout the day.
Nadea: That makes sense. It’s kind of interesting because one of the people who sent in a question was asking about acne — and I think she was being facetious, but she said, “What about the chicken nuggies? How can I get rid of them so that my skin will clear up?” But I think it ties in with what you were saying at the beginning, where you were saying that maybe instead of thinking about eliminating things, try to think about adding things that make you feel good — like water and other nutrients — and then maybe your skin will start feeling better — maybe, maybe, maybe. That makes a lot of sense.
Joline: And also with what I was saying with the 80 percent/20 percent, right? If, 80 percent of the time, you’re eating a variety, including all food groups, drinking enough water and whatever, and you have the chicken nuggies and your body is like, “Oh, man, that was a lot of whatever”, then your body is designed to clean itself and, because you’ve given it all the nutrients it needs to do what it needs to do, you’re still going to feel good because your body is going to get rid of the stuff that it doesn’t need and hold on to the stuff that it does, and keep functioning in a really positive way.
Nadea: I love your balance. It’s wonderful. It’s very refreshing.
Joline: Thank you!
Nadea: Just reading some of the comments here — “Your body will tell you; you have to trust it.” I think that’s accurate. What do you think?
Joline: Yeah, absolutely. I should say though: That is a skill. There are lots of reasons why our body stops telling us things. There are lots of ways that we can (a) reset our body to start telling us things again, and (b) learn how to listen to it better. That takes practice and skill too. It’s not easy. Though we call it “intuitive eating”, it is not always intuitive right away. Those are the types of things that I work with people on a lot before I get it — and before I got it.
"Though we call it 'intuitive eating', it is not always intuitive right away."
Nadea: That’s comforting to me.
Joline: I realize that all of this is easier said than done, guys. It’s not simple.
Nadea: Oh, man… the intuitive eating thing has been such a challenge for me as well. Going from hyper-dieting to then being like, “Okay, we’re just not going to do anything” — it just feels like you’re completely out of touch, and it turns into a free-for-all, and then you’re like, “I don’t even know what feels good anymore.” So having somebody who can be a voice of reason and give you a little bit of direction — I think it is so lovely if a person is able to access that.
That brings me to my next question: You are originally from Ontario. You moved up to the Yukon. I know that you practice dietetics up here. So if somebody wanted to work with you, what does that look like these days?
Joline: So a lot of my practice is virtual. I am Sunrise Dietetics (@sunrise. dietetics) on all platforms — Facebook and Instagram. So you can interact and reach out that way, and also use sunrise.dietetics@gmail.com if you want to reach out more personally. I’m in a bunch of different places with trying to be more accessible right now, so I am working on getting a website up and all those sorts of things, but right now, social media is the go-to.
In Whitehorse, I am working out the Be Well clinic as well. Their website is www.be-wellmassage.ca. Otherwise, virtual — I do offer services to people all over the place. So that’s the best way to reach out is to email, I would say.
Nadea: For your practice — I think you’re able to work out of Ontario and Yukon right now. We have a number of clients who are from other provinces, but I wasn’t sure if you’re currently working out of other provinces at the moment. Are your services available Canada-wide yet or is that still a work in progress?
Joline: It is a work in progress. I would definitely say that it’s something that I’m interested in doing, and if it is something that you guys are interested in having me do, please reach out because if I know that there is a need, I want to help. I love what I do and I want to work with all of you guys, and I really appreciate using this platform to meet new people and for more people to see what my approach to care is. It’s definitely something that I want to do.
Nadea: That’s amazing. That’s lovely. For now, I do think that the people who live in Whitehorse should be accessing you, especially if they’re going through a whole “wanting to start feeling good in the new year” situation. I really think that Joline is a lovely person to have in your corner. I absolutely trust her.
Being a person who has worked with several personal trainers and what feels like a million different nutritionists — some of whom were really good and some of whom were complete whack jobs — I trust Joline absolutely. I feel really comfortable being able to recommend your services to people because of your very balanced approach to dieting and how kind you are to people and the fact that you teach people to get in touch with their bodies. I wish more people were doing that. Personally, as a fitness trainer, I have a hard time telling people to go to services where I know that the trainer or the dietician is going to be like, “You’ve got to cut everything out and you have to go really intensely”, and it’s not balanced at all, and I will not recommend those people to you guys. I will not. But I trust Joline. Absolutely work with Joline. You’re wonderful, and I’m so glad that you exist.
Joline: Thank you to everybody who tuned in, and thank you so much, Nadea, for having me on here. I have to say, I was nervous but this was super fun. I love meeting new people. I’ve really loved getting to know you. I think that both of our approaches to care and our clients go really well together, so thank you so much for having me on here.
Nadea: Well, thank you for coming and I think you did amazing for your first Instagram Live. You’re looking like a pro. Hopefully at some point we’ll be able to do this again!
Joline: Awesome! Sounds great!
If you would like to get in touch with Joline, you can find her on Facebook, Instagram, through the Be Well clinic, and via email at sunrise.dietetics@gmail.com.
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