Please note: To use a package or punch pass, you'll need to purchase it first, and then you can apply it to your booking.
How to apply a coupon discount or package code:
1. After you've selected a class to join or an appointment you want to book, you've started the booking process and filled out the form and waiver (which will already be filled out for you if you have created an account and you have successfully booked a class before), at the bottom of your booking page, you will see "Redeem a Package or Coupon Code" right above the "Pay Now" button.

2. When you click on that, you can put in the coupon code or punch pass code, as demonstrated below, and then press "Pay Now >>"

3. From there, your payment information will come up. If you have a punch card or package, no further payment will be needed. If you're using a discount coupon, at the top of the page, it will say "You will be billed CA$XX.00" for the class, which will be the discounted rate.

How to check on the status of your package:
Within the Acuity booking system, you can log into your client account (either on our Book a Class page, or through our direct booking portal, also linked on the Book a Class page), and it will show you your active packages, remaining amounts, and the package's expiry date. It will look something like this: